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The Selling Process

Series 5: The Selling Process

This video series is all about the selling process. ​

By now, you will have chosen the agent and pretty well know the strategy you are going to use to get moving. So now we need to build the plan: put it all together into the detailed list of things we are going to do to sell.

So watch these videos and takes notes on how to build the plan.

1.Developing a plan to sell the house

In this video, I talk about the most important things you need to know to develop a plan for selling your house.

2. Building a Marketing Plan

In this video, I go through the steps involved in making a marketing plan and explain what you need to pay attention to.

3.  How buyer numbers impact on strategy

When analysing the buyer situation, there are two numbers you need to know. In this video we analyse those numbers…

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